Local governance, social issues and human rights : ukrainian war context

Événement passé
Table ronde
9 avril 2024
10h 14h
Salle de la vitrine - MISHA

Organized by :

  • Mishyna N., MSCA4Ukraine postdoctoral researcher (2023-2025), SAGE Laboratory, University of Strasbourg, France
  • Kuzina R., MSCA4Ukraine postdoctoral researcher (2023-2025), FEB, KU Leuven, Belgium

With the special guests :

  • Fedorova A., MSCA4Ukraine postdoctoral researcher (2023-2025), Faculty of Law, Palacký University in Olomouc (Czech Republic), member of the European Committee of Social Rights.
  • Leheza Yu., doctor of Law, prof. of Department of Civil, Economic and Environmental Law in Dnipro University of Technology (Ukraine), project manager in University of Applied Sciences (Germany).
  • Plotnytska S., MSCA4Ukraine postdoctoral researcher (2023-2025), IAE Angers, University of Angers, France.

Université de Strasbourg
Université de Haute-Alsace
Réseau national des Maisons des Sciences de l'Homme