Director : Anthony Mangeon
Deputy directors : Guy Ducrey, Bertrand Marquer, Muriel Ott
Director : Anthony Mangeon
Deputy directors : Guy Ducrey, Bertrand Marquer, Muriel Ott
Literary Configurations(Configurations littéraires) brings together all University of Strasbourg scholars conducting research on French, French-language and comparative literature. It covers literature theory and history as well as the comparative study of French and foreign literatures across the eras. It comprises three research centers that work both independently on their own projects and jointly on cross-cutting projects.
Our scholars work on two main research areas (Literature and History and Borders and transfers), with collaborations between all three of our member teams.
We also have a collection bearing our name,Configurations littéraires, at the Presses universitaires de Strasbourg.
We have also been supervising the Interdisciplinary Thematic Institute on “Ethics, Literature and Arts” LETHICAsince January 2020.
Comparative literature, French-language literatures, children’s literature, literature and history, literature and knowledge, ethics
Doctoral school for the humanities - ED 520
Link to the ED 520 website
Configurations littéraires – UR 1337
Le Portique
14 rue René Descartes - 67084 Strasbourg Cedex
+33 (0)3 68 85 67 89